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Legal Updates

General Articles

Agreeing arrangements for children when a relationship breaks

Agreeing arrangements for children when a relationship breaks down A relationship breakdown often means a dramatic change in life for all involved.   Firstly, it is important to understand that all families are different, and what works for one...

Reporting duties for a financial deputy

Reporting duties for a financial deputy The role of a deputy is similar to that of an attorney. If you are acting as an attorney, this will be because the person you are acting for specifically chose you to act and they made a document called a...

Common probate mistakes and how to avoid them

If you are someone’s executor, then it can be tempting to try to administer the estate yourself with a view to saving money. If the estate is simple and you are comfortable with the legal and tax regulations, then this may be fairly straightforward. ...

Coronavirus and Will Signing

The current COVID-19 crisis has brought with it many problems, and quite understandably has led to lots of people being conscious of ensuring that their affairs are in order. News would suggest that demand for Wills has increased by 30% during the epidemic,...

Where will our children live if we separate?

Following separation parents usually want to minimise any disruption to their children, ensuring that they soon settle into a new routine - whether that is in the existing family home, or following a move to a new home.  Where your children will live...

Not so safe at work - compensation for an accident at work

Despite the UK’s extensive health and safety legislation lots of people still suffer serious injury at their place of work. The industries where accidents are statistically most likely to occur are manufacturing, construction, transportation and...

New organ donation law: giving you control

Around 6,000 people in the UK are on the transplant waiting list; and in 2018 alone, at least one person a day died while waiting for a transplant, according to the NHS. New laws on organ donation consent are coming into force in Spring 2020 which the...

Choosing attorneys for your lasting power of attorney

Everyone should have lasting power of attorney, along with a will, and in setting this up you will need to appoint people to act as your attorney to look after your affairs if you become unable to.  You need to consider very carefully who you will...

Taking your first commercial lease

Some of the world’s most successful companies have started at home or in a garage, but at some point it makes sense to move to business premises.  Committing to your first commercial lease is an important step in the life of a young business and...

Development proposals and your local authority search

When it comes to choosing a new home, your future surroundings can be as important as the building itself. But could somebody else’s development plans affect your property? Mr Steve Taylor, a residential conveyancing expert with Malcolm C Foy...

Making a will after a second or subsequent marriage

Without a valid will that says otherwise, your spouse may inherit most if not all of your assets on your death and any children you have from previous marriages could be left with little or nothing.  This is why more and more cases are being brought...

Valuing an estate for probate

Valuing an estate for probate When someone dies, all the assets in the estate will need to be valued as early possible for two key reasons.  Firstly, an estate valuation must be provided to the probate court before probate will be granted.  ...

Hearing the voice of children, when parents separate

Caught in the middle of their parents’ relationship breakdown, it is important that the best interests and wishes of any children are considered.  If parents are separating, they will need to agree the arrangements for where children will live and...

Disagreements and decisions about your children

If you are separated or divorced, you will probably have an arrangement with your ex-partner dealing with where your children live and how often they see their other parent. However, a specific issue might arise not covered by this agreement and on which you...

Empty commercial property - risk or opportunity?

If you own a business property which is lying empty, then aside from a poor return on your investment you have a liability on your hands.  ‘The risks faced by an owner of empty property fall into three main categories’ says Nick Pashley...

Getting vacant possession for redevelopment

Where a business tenant has the protection of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954, the landlord’s ability to get vacant possession of the property is limited.  A landlord who wants to redevelop must prove that they have a viable scheme and genuinely...

Option or promotion agreement - which is best for landowners?

If you have land that is ripe for development, how do you go about ensuring you get the best possible return on its value?  If you are not experienced in planning and construction, you are likely to need the expertise of a professional developer to...

Service charges in commercial property - new code of conduct

Service charges can be a contentious issue.  Landlords and tenants have a shared interest in making sure the property is well maintained and managed but disputes are common.  New professional guidance for commercial property owners and managers,...

Don't let your digital assets end up in a digital grave

In 2018, according to Forbes, the top ten YouTube stars were earning between $14.5 and $22 million. The top earner was a seven-year old boy named Ryan who reviewed toys for other children. While most of us are not in that league, many people now have a wide...

Had a cycling accident? Your route to obtaining compensation

The 2018 Tour de France pulled in thousands of cycling new fans after Geraint Thomas became the third British winner of the famed long-distance cycling race. Helped by teammate Chris Froome, his victory adds to the explosion of interest in pedal power since...

Botched dental treatment? You may be entitled to compensation

So, you pluck up the courage to go to your dentist to get those fillings done or to have the root canal treatment you have been dreading for months.  You come out of the dental surgery expecting healthier teeth but what you end up with is more pain and...

Stamp Duty Land Tax: why it costs more to buy a second home

The introduction of a higher rate of Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) for people who own more than one residential property has proved controversial as it has had some unexpected consequences.  Although aimed primarily at investors and second home owners it...

Dreaming of a holiday home? Sort out the legals before putting your feet up

Are you are dreaming of owning a property where you can get away from it all? Somewhere for weekend breaks, a few weeks in the summer or New Year with friends? A holiday home offers an ideal retreat, and also a potentially profitable investment opportunity. ...

Equity release, your questions answered

Record numbers of home owners are choosing to unlock the money tied up in their homes through equity release schemes.  The promise of access to cash without having to move is an attractive proposition but taking out money from your home to enjoy your...

The process of remortgaging and the role of your solicitor

The following table explains the role of your solicitor at each stage of remortgaging your home.  We hope this helps you to understand the process, and how our expert lawyers can support you at every step of the way.     You need to...